When the project gets to big for you

July is coming to an end…

Thank goodness.

This month I have been pushing myself to…of course…do more. It’s a never ending process and basically setting up goals I may not accomplish. Still I managed to get a lot for myself done. The only thing though…

I haven’t created a lot of art.

This month I started several projects that are all a little bigger. Instead of my standard portrait style I wanted to really push for background and environments, and more conceptual pieces. I started six…I finished two.

The worst part is that I managed to get the concept and compositions down. I even have base coloring, but when trying to flesh it out, nothing seems to be moving the way I want them to so I take a break from them. Now I’m four deep and exhausted (it doesn’t help that I have been researching for freelance gigs which takes up hours of my time as of late).

Right now it is about getting myself comfortable with bringing more to my work. However I think I need to really slow down because it’s not coming together. I’m gonna eventually write a piece about hitting an artistic roadblock mid piece, but for now, I just want to really get back into a groove where I can create and be excited to create.

Art Post: Elephant Ears

So I am finally back with another post, particularly an ART POST!!!! This one being for a digital piece called Elephant Ears, featuring an OC I call Phanny.


Elephant Ears (ft Phanny)

Medium: Wacom Tablet, Photoshop

Time: 4 Hours

Continue reading “Art Post: Elephant Ears”

Going through some changes!

I am going to be working on tinkering the blog. Hopefully updating the layout to something a little more fun and not as dull. I am working on a couple of post to upload afterward! Be on the look out!

Have a great weekend!

2016: A year of success

Warning: I tried to navigate this post with a clear sense of what I was saying, but shit don’t turn out the way you want it!

The need to strive and succeed is so unrealistic when you have been dealt rather unfortunate hands. That doesn’t mean you should quit when things don’t go your way. Instead it just means that not everyone is going to make it at the same time (or at all, let’s be honest). But you shouldn’t look at yourself as the second one. Instead of focusing on how quickly or majorly someone else has succeeded, you should look at yourself and pat yourself on the back for the work you already did.

Continue reading “2016: A year of success”

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